Due to the swine flu, my Spanish class trip has been moved to Costa Rica!! While I'm sad that we aren't going to Mexico, I'm rather excited about going to Costa Rica. We will be doing the same thing there: staying with host families and going to a language school near by. The excursions that we had planned for the weekend will also change, but I'm completely ok with that if it's going to prevent me from getting the flu. I leave a week from today, and I'm so excited!!!!
Exams have been going on since Wednesday, and people leave when they are done. Most of my friends won't be done till Monday (I'm here till Tuesday...), but one of my friends finishes today and is going to pack up and go home when he finishes his test. It's kinda sad that all of my friends will be in different places and we really won't see much of each other over the summer. I'm very glad to be going to Cherokee, but it's going to be really hard at first.
I've taken 2 of my exams, so now I just have a Calculus exam and a project to do for my Spanish class left. It seems like freshman year has just flown by... I was worried about my first 2 exams, but now that they are over with, I just have to wait till I can pack up and leave on Tuesday.
I'm so grateful for the friendships that I made and the times that we have had. It's been a great freshman year, and I wouldn't change a thing.
4 years ago
write about your trip to Costa Rica. I went there 3 years ago and it was an awesome trip. A mission trip with my church. You can check out this link for my blogs from the trip. http://bfalexander.com/wordpress/category/trips/costarica